Saturday, October 27, 2012

Brainstorming & Mind-map

Satu! Dua! Tiga! Empat! Lima! Enam! Satu! And the numbers are continued. Each person hold a number which indicated which team they're in.

"Okay sekarang, saya nak kamu semua brainstorming akan satu tajuk yang bakal saya beri ini. Boleh discuss kat mana-mana. Tajuknya ialah "Nasi lemak 2030". Fikirkan bagaimana "Nasi Lemak 2030" will look like. Okay go!,"said Mr Hardi Emrie as my Entrepreneur Technology (ENT)'s lecturer in this semester.

So we scattered around the Mechanical Engineering building looking for an best empty place to discuss.

Sokseh-sokseh within the group:
A : "Okay ape kate kite buat camni"
B : "Ahh tak tak camni.."
C : "Emm okay jugak"
D : "Eh tapi kan.."
E : "Harga dia camna?"
? : "Eh,aku masok group korang k?"

::::::::::::::::::::::::30minutes later::::::::::::::::::::::::

Each group plastered around their nasi lemak's sketches and mind-mapping onto the class' wall.

"Okay now you tell me. When i am assigning you into groups and as you sat down, what was the first thing you do?," asked the lecturer.


I heard chirping voices, whom afraid uttering them out.

"It must be like this. You brainstorm. One suggesting an idea. Followed by the others. But unfortunately some of the ideas were rejected by the others due to irrelevant ideas and stuff. And so you just proceed with the former idea. The end. Right?"

Very true,Mr.! The class went silent but then agreed.

"Well than, That is not a brainstorming session!"

A brainstorming should be like this:
1. Assign a leader which will conduct the session.
2. Assign a secretary which will take note all ideas
3. Each member will suggesting ANY idea AND NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO 
4. The secretary will jot down all the ideas. ALL OF THE IDEAS 
   a) nasi lemak yang tiada nasi
  b) nasi lemak dalam bentuk gula-gula
     kecik.senang nak makan
  c) nasi lemak yang bungkusan kat dalam, nasi
     kat luar
5. Only then the discussion begin.

"This is because, if you rejected immediately any idea came out from your group member, he/she will be offended,upset,merajuk,taknak-kua-idea-dah. So therefore, the idea mati kat situ saje."


Mr. Hardi also mentioned of how a mind-map should look like. A typical mind-map usually..

"Tajuk tulis kat tengah, bolatkan. Line line line. Tulis kat tepi line. Siap!"

A mind-map should be like this *sketching onto the whiteboard*... 
1. You got a title. Instead of writing it, LUKIS. Even kalau
   tajuk tentang saya, you draw my face! *circling his face*.
   This is very helpful so you can generate ideas well
   from picture.
   A picture is worth a thousand words
2. Lines. Instead of straight and dull lines, make it wavy. 
   Macam tengah high. Lines with colours in it.

3. Your points. Draw if you can. and wavy lines again..

A sample of Industrial Management's note. But with too much writing.

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